Your due date is fast approaching and as a new mom you’re not quite sure what you need to include in your hospital bag when you go in to deliver.
I sat down with a group of veteran mom’s and these were the top must have items they came up with:
You’ll need your photo ID and your Insurance card to check in at labor and delivery. Don’t forget to bring a blank check to pay for your birth certificate paperwork while at the hospital.
You won’t want your phone dying on you in the middle of laboring. We recommend an extra long charger or a portable charging bank just in case you can’t find a close outlet.
Nothing is like laboring for hours with sweaty hair in your face. Bring a hair tie or scrunchy whatever keeps your hair back.
It is always nice to have a pillow from home. Not only is it more comfortable but it also smells like home. Make sure to bring a non-white pillowcase so that yours doesn’t blend in with the hospital pillows.
Hunger strikes at the least opportune times and if you’re laboring into the early hours the hospital cafeteria may not be open.
There’s a good chance that you’ll need to walk around at some point. Slides are a nice option because they can be worn in the shower.
Some mamas just stay in a nursing bra and undies while in the hospital bed, I know I did. The nursing bra gave my baby easy access to feed and made the late night feeds so much easier.
I’d say nothing hurts more than a cracked nipple. If you plan on breastfeeding having Lanolin on hand is a must!
A good pair of black leggings and an oversized shirt. You’ll be going home wearing a diaper and there is nothing glamorous about that!
Who goes anywhere without their favorite chapstick? It doesn’t take up much room in your bag and its nice to have because most hospitals are dry.
As with all things, what someone finds essential, someone else will find some things not so much, but this gives you a jumping off point to get your hospital bag packed.
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